Just your average irritated bookshrew

Day 199,436…Some More
Kathy—with a K—was a frighteningly optimistic middle-aged woman with red hair of a hue unseen in nature. She smiled brightly when saw Lucifer though it faded a bit as her gaze landed on me. I threw my shoulders back even further which only made her false smile diminish further. It wasn’t until Anastasia stepped into view that she brightened once more. Odd. I stroked my luxuriant mustache in thought.
Lucifer greeting Kathy with a K with a kiss on the hand. Her fluster was all for show, free hand fanning her face as she emitted a girlish giggle.
“Always such a charmer,” she twittered. “It’s wonderful to see you, Luke.” She shifted so that her attention was divided between Lucifer and myself. “And you must be the Drakes. Luke has told me so much about you and your lovely wife. Anastasia? What a beautiful name.”
“Yep,” Lucifer—or Luke as he was known up here—said, “Vlad and I go way back.” He clapped his hand on my shoulder. “It eases my mind to know he and his lovely wife are in such capable hands.”
Another clap on the back and a nod to Anastasia. “I’ll catch up with you guys later. They’re all yours.” He threw a wink to Kathy with a K and walked out the door and into the sunlight.
Kathy with a K turned fully to face me, a question in her eyes. “Are you sure you’ll be comfortable in that, hon?” She eyed my clothing with concern. “We’ve got a long day ahead of us and it gets really hot down here.”
What did this woman know of heat? “I think we’ll manage,” I said in a tone as disdainful as I could make it and still be civil.
“Yes,” Anastasia said, far more gracious than myself. One of the perks of having a wife—she could smooth ruffled feathers caused by my more martial way of speaking. “We are used to much warmer than this.”
Kathy with a K battled the need to shrug, barely mastering herself. “Well,” she said in a falsely bright voice, “I suppose we ought to get going. Follow me.” She clapped her hands together and led us out to the street.
As I stepped outside, the moist heat hit me like a hammer blow. Sweat gathered beneath my heavy clothes almost immediately. It was like being licked by a corps of overly enthusiastic hellhounds. Perhaps my choice of clothing was not the most appropriate after all.
Kathy with a K stopped in front of a vehicle that was roughly the size of two normal vehicles likewise parked along the side of the street. She clicked something she held in her hand. I heard a snapping sound from within the car followed by a chirping sound.
What sorcery was this?
Kathy with a K opened the door to an interior more opulent than my original castle in Wallachia. My wide-knuckled hand swept the butter soft leather of the seat before I handed Anastasia into the vehicle. Lights blinked and flashed within the front panel set behind a leather wrapped wheel. I knew of the existence of cars but had no idea they were so luxurious.
Fit for a prince, indeed.
I settled into the seat, the leather refreshingly cool as was the wintery blast of air from the small grates before me. I watched as Kathy with a K slid behind the wheel and pressed a button.
“Let’s get started, shall we?”